Sunday, September 22, 2024

-as we progress through the 7 mansions, 
-to go on to perfection
-family, career, dreams, desires of the world is good, but problem when we see our value and worth is through these
-goal is union with God
   -the more we are satisfied by the Lord, we don't need to depend on things to value ourselves
-the power to transform is through love of God
1st mansion
-being born again only can we enter the castle
-full of own ego
   -we need to turn our eyes on Jesus
-humble ourself and pray
-2nd mansion
-moee aware of our needs
-the devil makes the world more attractive.. we need to resist the devil
-show care to people, practice spiritual life
-dont have a strong relationship with God... Itsore like a routine
-God nv force.. God only can work at our surrender
-4th mansion
Fruit of the spirit is very clearly seen in all aspect of our life
-more of the spiritual.. not how much we have done
-no longer afraid of suffering or hardship.. able to ensure it
-dark night of the senses
-we have no spiritual nor anything that is of the world
-5th mansion
-not my will but Yours be done
-soul is engaged to God
-constant conversation with God
-detachment of own desires and only God's will
-6th mansion
-God wants us to purify us 
-feels as if God is never present
Affliction is so create.. serious illness, persecution
-losw all longing of the world
Lose most of their self love, love people with perfect love
7th mansion
-almost reach perfection
-soul still must continue to grow in love

Each one a further detachment
Sin, flesh, spiritual dryness, spiritual consolations, 
Spiritla desolation, residual self love

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

slide 2
the only thing that can change ppl is through God working in our life
   -how we talk, what we achieve won't 

God is made perfect in our weakness.. where we can do it on ourselves 
   our weapon is spiritual 

slide 16 Paul refuses to compare himself 
how do we measured ourselves? 
   God is the one who put us where we are and will work through us.. not the people in the world 
   don't put ourselves in comparison with others 
we may fall off the bar, but that will not affect how God uses us

slide 17 accusers claim
the people were claiming credits and boosting about Paul's work 

slide 25
false doctrine will destroy the church 
   is what we are hearing in line with Jesus 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

-there are level of growth in Christian life
   Ultimate goal is to be United with God
-our soul has many mansions and enter 1 after the other, the deeper and deeper we enter

1st mansion
   -still very attached to the world, still desire to sin
Realized that God is so good.. 
   -we are just brought from the darkness outside the castle into the castle
      -we need to willingly choose God
-3 things
   1. Perseverance in prayer
   2. Humility... Must realize howuxh we need God.. can't do things on own
   3. Self knowledge.. how we are to repent
2nd mansion
-still have alot of desire on sins
   - learn to embrace the cross.. not to wait for the Holy Spirit to remind us
-silence and solitude
-learn to let go of things that we bad for our soul... But Satan will not let us go easily.. we got to pray!

-people loosing the fire after years
-God on purpose withdraw some blessings... A test from God --- do we love the blesser or the blessings
-there is a risk of walking out of the castle to the darkness

-become very patient, gentle, kind and humble
1. God floods us with His love
God is purifying us.. sensation of joy, comfort from God is gone
Detach not only from sin, but also spiritual pleasure
Know that God is here but can't feel it
   God wants us to rely on faith and not feeling
Attachment is so strong that supernatural things happen
We can never be burnt out again

Fruit of the spirit is in full bloom consistently
Some days life is so torturous as it is on hell
Cant sense God at all, feels abondoned

Still trust God even if we feel abondoned

A full union with God

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

slide 8
righteousness = who we are... on the fruits of the spirit 

slide 10 Romans 13:11-14
we are made into a new creature in Christ
   the old is crucified and put in the new
salvation is by grace

slide 11 eph 4:20

slide 13
how was our spirit today? the fruits of our spirit is not a reflection of our character
   we need to action 
joy is the spirit that wells up in us no matter what surrounds us 
   knowing that things will turn out fine
   able to make peace with other people 
   being able to be patient with people who don't deserve it 
   is passive 
step up and do something for people 
   is active 
   motive is what God is looking at.. our intension of being kind 
   can be counted on
self control 
   control our tongue, habits 
practice them! it takes time 

2cor 7:1
the Holy spirit don't do for us, but help us 

slide 20

slide 23 lessons 
give according to our means 
we can control what we give... it's a gift 

lessons 28
we can never out give God 

lessons 31
don't compare the amount but the willingness of heart 

36 lessons 
if we lose trust, it doesn't matter if we are right 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

-no training no troffy
-no struggle no success
-in suffering, we are not glorifying
All our weakness will turn into strength
-theres no easy way to success
-the way to glory is only through the cross
-Jesus came to show us how to die to ourself
1 legion =12,000 angels
-which is easier, to preserve and believing in God's deliverance or to try to solve the problem on our own
-every pain and suffering in not meant to break up but make us
-dont be too eager to get out of the struggle.. it is for us to prepare
   -we must learn to embrace
-if there's no testing, our faith cannot grow
2. never 
-God is more than able to deliver us
-God chooses not to perform a miracle for us, it is where our faith is shaken
-if God didn't act, we are safe in God's hands
-when miracles don't have, remain steadfast and faithful
-there is no problem too fatal
   -as long as we are in Christ, there is resurrection
-never doubt God's love