Wednesday, May 29, 2024

mark 1 35
jesus make time to be in silent and dilute

Luke 5
jesus often withdrawn himself 



Jezebel is a very evil person 
Elijah ran for his life.. he felt the demonic pressure 

1king 19 4

1king 19 5
when we are in a great stress, it's good for a deep sleep... so that God can rejenate our body 
   God give His beloved sleep

1king 19 7
-when we're wore out, simple food and sleep is impt 
-Elijah was running for his lifebut God gave him a journey... a new direction to his life

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19 11
Elijah expected the Lord to be in the wind cos Lord was in the wind when Moses met the Lord

19 11
Elijah expected the Lord to be in the wind cos Lord was in the  when Moses met the Lord

19 12
Elijah expected the Lord to be in the wind cos Lord was in the fire when Moses met the Lord

God is a God of new things... don't limit what God can do 

19 12
a sound of sheer silence 
silence is not empty.. it's thick and full !

-to hear God, we need to slow down, cut off all the devices 
-practice silence and solitude 
our relationship with God should not be how much we can do for God, or what God can do for us... but the loving intemacy with God

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