Thursday, May 14, 2020


John heard Jesus speaking

why did Jesus send messages to only this 7 churches where there are so many under John's supervision?
   -each of the 7 churches reflect unique strength and weakness, their spiritual characteristics
   -though these letters are addressed to these 7 churches, their messages are meant for all churches in every generation
7 golden lampstands = 7 churches
son of man = human with a divine nature

one duty of priest is to tend to the lampstand in the temple
Jesus looks at His church

-brass = judgement
   -Jesus will come to judge the just and the wicked
-when Jesus speaks, its so sharp like sword
-Jesus is coming power, as judge and king

John was so overwhelmed tt he fell to His knees, but Jesus touched him with love and compassion
-Jesus is the Great I AM and the Life
   -by Jesus resurrection, death is conquered forever
key is the symbol of power and authority
*Jesus is in total control!
faithful witness, resurrection, king of kings, savior, convenient restorer, creator & redeemer, eternal one, great high priest, ancient of days, all knowing one, righteous judge, head of the church, Word of God, Lord of Glory, the Great I AM, Life, Conqueror
the 7 stars are the angels of the 7 churches

Letters to the 7 churches..
#1 Church of Ephesus
this church is full of faith and love

the church of Ephesus have
works cannot save us! but good works must be the evidence of our salvation
we are not saved by good works but saved for good works

the church of Ephesus also have discernment

-we got to test all things / content
-the problem is not on God but ppl
-test the spirit of the prophets
   -discern the attitudes and motive of teaching
   -quoting of scriptures is not sufficient
      -Satan also quoted scriptures when tempting Jesus!
-we need to check of inline with overall counsel of scripture
church of Ephesus is very diligent abt doctrine
Nicolaitans lost the faith and encourages sexual immorality and idol worship
-Jesus praised the Ephesus church
-God hates sin!
-the Ephesus church is very pure on God's Word
   -theres no false doctrine
the church resisted all the false doctrine
Jesus is sayin they are so good in their zeal, that love was no longer present
brotherly and sisterly love was gone

-the Ephesus church has let go of the love they have for each other
-love is no longer priority to them

*the Ephesians succeeded in keeping the doctrine pure, but at the cost of losing their love and relationship for one another
-love is the goal of Bible teaching
   -only with love the church can build itself up

of all the virtues a Christian can have, love is the most important!

truth and love

love is the first fruit of the Holy Spirit

repentance is very important to Jesus
ways to regain our 1st love through:
   -rmb how we used to love one another and build relationship
   -make a decision to completely and fully repent
   -true repentance is a decision, not a feeling
   -genuine change of heart and change of mind resulting in a change of behavior and lifestyle
   -anger outburst is usually a learned response.. we learn it by observing ppl
-renewed response
   -put love into practice, rebuild the relationship
      -constantly walk in forgiveness, forbearance, patient and kind
      -focus on the fruit of the spirit of being Christ-like

-remove the lampstand
   -the light is no longer shining
   -our love for each other
      -if theres no love, theres no reason for the church to exist
their lampstand was removed
*only truly strong ppl have patience.. its not sign of weakness

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