Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2cor part 3

slide 2
glory = radiant presence of God
   demonstrate radiance of God.. people around us able to see it

slide 4
our life have to be like Jesus's 

it doesn't matter if we were big or small sinner... we were all lost...
   Jesus came to redeem us so that we can be reconciled 

slide 7
treasure - it's not just experience, but knowledge.. we know the story which is beyond words 
   Jesus is the treasure 
jars of clay - it doesn't have alor of effort to break the jar of clay
   when we recognise how fragile we are, then God's strength is made perfect 

Paul's four paradox 
it is in these harsh reality of life that we are aware of God's strength 

it is well with my soul 
what to do when we are at our wits end.. God is made perfect in our weakness 

an eschatological framework 
we are to be more and more like Jesus so as to be ready to see Him face to face 
God is always getting us ready for the great day 


our spirit will be resurrected 
our body is temporary, and we will receive a heavenly body 
if we die before the resurrection, our body is buried and our spirit continues to live 
   it's just moving into the presence of God 
when we are in the body, we are away from the Lord, when we are away from the body, we are with the Lord 
   there no sleep in between

commentary 5:10
God is always preparing us 
   being conformed in the image of Christ 

the judgement 
when we stand before the Lord, it's not about sins or salvation 
what we have done with the treasure (Jesus) in our hand 

new = something never before 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

-the Lord is there
-be more spiritual and closer to God
-in the busyness, we can also experience God's presence
   -turning out thoughts in every activity all day long.. as simple and natural possible, won't work if it's too religious
      -talk to God, invite God into our task
3 simple things
1. put God in our thoughts all day long
-the more we fix our thoughts,the more we experience inner peace
-we are training ourself to be more aware of God's presence
   -the moment we can aware, it becomes manifested presence
-the more we know God, the more we love God
-put God in our thoughts all day long
2. converse with God while we work
-talk to God continually
   -as often as we can all day
-tell God in real time.. speak plainly
-converse with God in real time.. not just our required help but also praise and thanksgiving
-do things with love, joy, thanksgiving
-not to please man but to please God
-in our job, it doesn't matter if nobody sees it.. God sees

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

2 Corinthians

slid 10
the apostle boasts 

the worst lie is the lie that we tell ourselves 

slide 13
we been transformed by the spirit 

slide 14 1:23

slide 17
difficult thing is when and how to discipline 
   are they trouble makers or have a heart for the Lord but it's the way the person do things 
if it's hurting the community, it's time to do something 
there's no such thing as vengeance or payback.. but forgive!
   if there's vengeance or payback, Satan will be there... don't give Satan any chance!

slide 27
follow what God ask us to.. who He calls, He will equip 
we are commissioned by God and empowered by the spirit 

slide 29
this new covenant replaces the old
comes with a spirit 
   we can't live according to the bible on our own.. we need the spirit 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

-learn how to pray with no condition attached
-prayer is a relationship, not a transaction
-prayer is not a formula
   -God is not an ATM machine (a pin and the machine got no choice but to give us the amt) , not a vending machine (choose and pay for what we want)
-we say Father... Not boss (to pay us what we have alr done)
How to approach prayer
-we can approach God in boldness, but doesn't mean that God must give us what we wants.. He knows what is best for us
   -a father and son relationship --- not a devotee and deity relationship
-^ luke 11 11-12 one thing for sure God will not give us that will harm us... But may not be exactly what we asked for
-hiw can God give us more if we are not thankful for what we have
-according to God's will
-we can confidence to approach God
   -approach God with childlike confidence, not childish insistence for God to  ...... Pic
-no matter how long, as long as it's according to God's will...
-rejoice always, give thanks, not angry with God
-God let us go through pain cos God knows that we will be better after the pain

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

we don't have the ability to do what God has for us.. that's why we need God.. God is strength is perfect in our weakness

Sunday, August 4, 2024

-sin has disconnected us from God
   -never able to experience peace in our soul until we are reconnected with God
-God only do good things, the right things
-the storm maybe ranging, but theres no fear, anxiety cos God has declared us righteous
-no condemnation
2 things happen when we believe in our heart and declare that Jesus is Lord
   -declare not guilty and cover us with His righteousness.. God don't see our sins, but righteousness
    -Holy Spirit gives us a new heart, with the ten commandments and connect us to Jesus
-the power of God flows through faith, the confidence if God
-Jesus wasn't proud but he also don't feel inferior
-we might become.. not already become
   -we will be changed as we grow.. becoming the righteousness if God
-2 kinds of righteousness
-we don't do it on our own depending on our own strength, but the Holy Spirit
What we do don't gain us vertical righteousness (positional righteousness).. it's by grace, not by what we do
-dont get just stuck with the veritcal
   Let the vertical overflow into the horizontal
-rightrousnes is the key to God's power

-abundance of grace, receive it again and again
We must really want it
-have abundance of grace for all situation, but only reign through righteousnessp
-be hungry and thirsty for righteousness