Sunday, August 4, 2024

-sin has disconnected us from God
   -never able to experience peace in our soul until we are reconnected with God
-God only do good things, the right things
-the storm maybe ranging, but theres no fear, anxiety cos God has declared us righteous
-no condemnation
2 things happen when we believe in our heart and declare that Jesus is Lord
   -declare not guilty and cover us with His righteousness.. God don't see our sins, but righteousness
    -Holy Spirit gives us a new heart, with the ten commandments and connect us to Jesus
-the power of God flows through faith, the confidence if God
-Jesus wasn't proud but he also don't feel inferior
-we might become.. not already become
   -we will be changed as we grow.. becoming the righteousness if God
-2 kinds of righteousness
-we don't do it on our own depending on our own strength, but the Holy Spirit
What we do don't gain us vertical righteousness (positional righteousness).. it's by grace, not by what we do
-dont get just stuck with the veritcal
   Let the vertical overflow into the horizontal
-rightrousnes is the key to God's power

-abundance of grace, receive it again and again
We must really want it
-have abundance of grace for all situation, but only reign through righteousnessp
-be hungry and thirsty for righteousness

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