Sunday, August 25, 2024

-the Lord is there
-be more spiritual and closer to God
-in the busyness, we can also experience God's presence
   -turning out thoughts in every activity all day long.. as simple and natural possible, won't work if it's too religious
      -talk to God, invite God into our task
3 simple things
1. put God in our thoughts all day long
-the more we fix our thoughts,the more we experience inner peace
-we are training ourself to be more aware of God's presence
   -the moment we can aware, it becomes manifested presence
-the more we know God, the more we love God
-put God in our thoughts all day long
2. converse with God while we work
-talk to God continually
   -as often as we can all day
-tell God in real time.. speak plainly
-converse with God in real time.. not just our required help but also praise and thanksgiving
-do things with love, joy, thanksgiving
-not to please man but to please God
-in our job, it doesn't matter if nobody sees it.. God sees

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